Michiel Brouns

The leading expert in linseed oil paint and insulating glazing for historic buildings.
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Book - Linseed Paint and Oil by Michiel Brouns

Linseed paint has helped protect wood and iron for hundreds of years. Since the introduction of petrochemical paints, however, traditional alternatives to plastic based pains the industry has largely beed forgotten by the paint industry . This book provides an understanding of the benefits of linseed paint.

Written by Brouns & Co founder and CEO, Michiel Brouns, it describes the unique part linseed paint plays in the preservation of historic buildings. It provides detailed step-by-step instructions for the application of linseed paint to a variety of substrates. It is a useful and information reference , for architects, profession painters , restoration professionals and even DIY enthusiasts.

The book is in stock and copies can be ordered from linseedpaint.com